Eisner is a co-educational camp located in Western Massachusetts (about 2 l/2 hours from New York City). We serve 550 campers in each of our two sessions. The camp is a part of the Reform Movement in Judaism.
As a nurse you will work with other nurses and a physician. Broadly your responsibilities shall include:
Dispensing of medications
Assistance with first aid and emergency needs
Supervision of daily med calls and sick calls
Supervision of campers confined to the Health Center
Maintaining appropriate logs and records
Role modeling and ensuring compliance with COVID-related protocols
Assistance with the overall health needs of the camp community
Because we have a staff in our Health Center, the scheduling of duties and responsibilities is determined by the Head Nurse. One nurse is on duty each night for evening supervision of the Health Center and another person is on rotation to take care of emergency needs.
Your immediate supervisor will be the Head Nurse or other designee of the Camp Director. Additionally, please be in touch if you need assistance with completing your Massachusetts state licensing.